This is a new section we have added to the site. Watch here for interesting things you might not know about St. Mark's, for instance...
Did You Know that there is a "like" button at the bottom of every event and news item posted on our website? Please let us know if you like a story we post.
Did You Know that Messy Church is now being offered at St. Mark's? The fun style of worship is for people in all stages of their faith journey and of any age. It involves a creative time to explore the month's biblical theme by getting messy! Messy Church meets the fourth Saturday of every month at 4pm in the church hall.
Did You Know that Young Life has an account at the Bottle and Recycling Depot on 4th Avenue in Qualicum? When you take in your bottles etc. for cash, you can simply tell the people there to give your cash to Young Life's account. It's an easy way to donate to a worthwhile program.
Did You Know that we have a box in the back of the church for donations to Food Bank? We will provide more information on this once we have it. We will provide a list of items the Food Bank is looking for.
Did You Know that we have a driving ministry to get people to and from church and church functions? You can contact Terry Roberts if you are interested.
If you have other interesting facts or any questions, please contact Barb Hicks