Messy Church: Elizabeth Northcott - This is a fun style of worship for people in all stages of their faith journey and of any age. It involves a creative time to explore the month's biblical theme by getting messy! Messy Church meets the fourth Saturday of every month at 4pm in the church hall. All are welcome, but don't expect to watch from the sidelines... you will get messy!!
Advent/Lent/Praying w/Scripture: Joe Forsyth
Bible Study: In the past, the Parish of St. Mark has had many Bible Study groups operating in and outside the church. Currently, a Men’s Bible Study group meets every Tuesday at Joe Forsyth's garden at 9am. Check the Event’s Calendar at for changes.
You have the choice of joining one of these groups or starting one of your own. It is a great way of studying the bible, meeting new friends, and keeping Jesus in your life. These groups have established a close bond over the years, and are very supportive of each other. Aside from studying the bible, some have played mini-golf, bowled and have taken trips to the mainland. If anyone is interested in joining or starting a Bible Study group, they should talk to Vera Brassel or Bill Purdy.
Cursillo: Rob Hutchison
Library: Janet Denford
Safe Church: Nancy Klinger