DONATIONS TO THE NEEDY IN OUR AREA - Some parishioners have asked for donation information to assist the homeless and needy in our area. Two organizations we have suported locally are:
Manna Homeless Society, PO Box 389, Erringtion, BC VOR 1V0
Mt. Arrowsmith Salvation Army, PO Box 1874, Parksville BC V9P 2H6
If you would like to donate, both of these organizations are set up to receive donations online on their website and/or by cheque via Canada Post.
FACE MASKS - A few parishioners (Jennifer Roberts is lead) are sewing FACE MASKS suitable for non-medical use. If you would like one of their creations, sewn with loving hands, please leave your name and phone number on the St. Mark's phone 250-752-5414 and we will deliver one or more to you.
Terry Roberts:
Chenda Bishop: warden2@