Sunday, December 15th, we lit the candle of Joy in the Advent Wreath and we hosted "Kneeling In Bethlehem" a joyous celebration of music woven together with some of the inspiring poems of Ann Weems. And the people came. The church overflowed with over 200 people (standing room only)! See video on home page.
During the course of the afternoon, we were honoured to introduce Jeff and Gillian, residents of Jasper whose home burned and are now house sitting in Nanoose Bay. Gillian shared a few words about the importance of the two churches to the spiritual and cultural core of Jasper.
People came to support the cause and together we raised some $2800.00 to support the rebuilding of the Anglican and United Churches in Jasper, Alberta. I understand it is early days and this is not a huge sum of money but it is meant as a sign of our caring and support, to let them know they are not alone. God bless their efforts to again become a central part of the community of Jasper
Bob and I want to thank each and every one of you for your willingness to volunteer your time, talent, and energy to this worthy cause. It was our pleasure and honour to work with all of you.
Thank you to Barb Hicks who designed the beautiful posters and program cover, to our readers Paul, Morag, and Susan who did an outstanding job transmitting the emotions of the writings, to our musicians Simon on the harp, John on the violin, Ron and Kathy on the piano, Richard on the guitar (and camera for the video) and Sheila from Knox United on the hand drum and percussion. Their music touched our hearts filling us with Joy!
Thanks to the choir who sang beautifully and with so much energy! Pam's solo gave us all confidence and was beautiful. The audience responded with gusto when it was their turn to sing the hymns. Thanks to all 22 bell ringers from Knox United and St. Mark who played so well. The beautiful sound of the bells soothed our souls! Wasn't all the poetry and music wonderfully uplifting?
Thank you to Ryan and Wendy for keeping track of and counting the money, to Neil, Maggie and Lynn for giving everyone a warm welcome at the door and to Laura who folded all the programs and song sheets, to Cynthia for the use of her special Christmas table cloth to cover the bell tables, to Michael for your creative skills in arranging the beautiful floral centre piece, I received. It is very much appreciated. Elizabeth, we had intended that this would be a service that you could just sit, relax and enjoy but there you were setting up chairs for people being your ever helpful and giving self. What a blessing you are to all of us. Thank you!
May God's blessings of Hope, Peace Joy and Love be with you this Christmas and throughout the coming year!
Bob and Janet Goos