Do you know that before the computer age, we used to look in a book called a dictionary for the definition of certain words? Now, I just type onto a space called "Google" and up pops a definition that identifies the meaning of a word. Today, my word was "opportunity"... and Google says: a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.
Then my mind wandered, as it often does, to think about the "opportunities for ministry". Last week I attended a conference in Sorrento and talked to people from all walks of life about their ministries. I was able to affirm that we are all called by God to take the "opportunities" to serve in many varied ways so that at the end of our journey we may stand before God and declare that we went into the world and spread the Good News of God's Love.
Last week, Simon, who is our PWRDF Parish representative, reminded us of why it is that this organization is an "opportunity" to serve and give glory to God. Together we can share oue circumstances, as we are able, to build up God's people wherever there is need. In the 60th Anniversary of PWRDF, let us take the opportunity to pray for, and support as we are able, the work and ministry that brings new life and God's love through this ministry.