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Our parish of St. Mark Qualicum Beach is embarking on the search for a new fulltime incumbent. Bishop Dr. Logan McMenamie has provided us with two methods of fulfilling our goal. To this end we are seeking the input of our parish family in selecting one of the TWO methods you will see below this message. In consideration with your wardens, Parish Council and church family we will ultimately submit to the bishop the chosen method as our next step in this search process. The church belongs to the people, and your opinion counts. Prayerfully consider EACH method and then choose the one that speaks to you. In an effort to make this process one of ease we have submitted both proposals in full detail. 

Below find An Alternative To The Normal Appointment process, and below that the Normal Appointment Process. Please contact the wardens to let them know which appointment process you think should be used. We are holding our next parish council meeting on April 26th, 2018 and we trust that the method we are employing will be declared then. 

We want all parishioners to have a voice. If a parishioner does not have email we will ensure that there are copies of both methods for their perusal.

Your responses and/or any concerns can be submitted directly to the wardens at: (Cynthia Preyser) (Neil Vennard)


Diocese of British Columbia
An Alternative to the Normal Appointment Process

The Bishop, meeting with the Church Wardens and/or Church Wardens and Parish Council to outline the Regular Appointments Process, may offer the following Alternative Process. This process could expedite the choosing of a new Incumbent. In essence, it is a process which allows the Bishop to appoint a Priest-in-Charge who would fit the needs of the Parish, and, after a pre-determined length of time*, through evaluation*, and in a manner agreeable to all parties that priest-in-charge may be appointed Incumbent of the Parish or have employment in the Parish terminated.

*The initial appointment would be for two years, and the evaluation would take place after 18 months.


Alternative to the Normal Appointment Process

1. After outlining the Normal Appointments Process, the Bishop may make an offer of using the Alternative Process, outlining it.

2. The Parish Council appoints the Bishop’s Consultation Team, and, by resolution/motion, requests the Bishop to bypass points 7 to 12 of the normal process.

3. The Bishop ascertains the willingness of the proposed candidate to serve in the Parish.

4. The Bishop arranges for the Church Wardens (or Church Wardens and Bishop’s Consultation Team) and the proposed candidate to meet.

5. The Church Wardens (or Church Wardens and Bishop’s Consultation Team) and the proposed candidate meet.

(This meeting is not a ‘formal interview’.)

6.a. The Bishop makes the appointment if the Church Wardens (and Bishop’s Consultation Team) and priest are in agreement concerning the appointment

6.b. If there is not agreement/consensus among the people who met with the proposed candidate then they must return to the regular appointment process.

Diocese of British Columbia
Normal Appointment Process:

1. Bishop announces the resignation.

2. Bishop appoints Interim Priest-in-Charge.

3. Archdeacon meets with Incumbent for exit interview.

4. Archdeacon attends final Service.

5. Bishop meets with the Wardens.

6. Wardens and Parish Council appoints the Bishop’s Consultation Team. Membership should include the regional Archdeacon and the Wardens; it should not include retired clergy.

7. Bishop and Wardens decide on a date for a Transition Day.

8. Transition Day facilitated by Bishop or his designate.

9. Within 14 days of the Transition Day, the Bishop’s Consultation Team develops Profile from Transition Day materials and submits it to the Bishop. The Profile should include: 

  • a history of the parish, 
  • a snapshot of present ministries and mission, a vision “why” statement,
  •  3 priorities of the parish around engaging God’s mission relating to town/municipality.

The Profile should not be a review of people or programmes nor should it contain a wish list of clergy gifts or skills. Let interested candidates tell you how they see their experience, interests and gifts making them a “good fit” for the parish.

10. The Diocesan Executive Officer drafts an advertisement for posting to the Diocesan and Anglican Church of Canada web sites. 

11. When the profile is completed and the ad is posted, the Bishop’s Warden contacts the diocesan finance officer, Gail Gauthier ( 386 7781, ext. 245), to discuss the stipend ranges and the housing allowance. 

12. The process is confidential, however, regular updates on process should be given to the parish. Obviously names of candidates and their parishes should remain confidential. Updates such as: “We have “X” number of applications. We’ve finished the first round of interviews, or we have short listed candidates and will begin interviews soon,”etc. are appropriate.

13. The Parish Profile, the most recent parish information return, parish financial return, information on clergy stipends and benefits sent to applicants by Bishop with a request for a resume, response to the Profile, a statement of how their gifts, knowledge and experience match the ministry of this parish, and a one- to two-page statement of how they see the diocesan vision being lived out in the ministry of this parish. Note: The references are checked by the Bishop’s office not the parish.

14. Bishop’s office emails applications to members of the Consultation Team. Bishop consults with Team about applications.

15. Together with the Consultation Team, the Bishop creates a short list of applicants.

16. Initial interviews conducted. If a tool such as Skype is used for one candidate, it should be used for all candidates.

17. The Bishop and the Consultation Team create a second short list for interviewing of applicants.

18. Bishop or her/his designate contacts references of short-listed applicants.

19. Consultation Team arranges for interviews with each applicant, expenses of which are borne by the Parish. 

Part of the interview should include a homily of 3-5 minutes to introduce passage followed by a bible study. This will show you how the applicant handles scripture, and whether she/he is clear and concise. As the applicant leads in the study it will become clear how they deal with various understandings of scripture and theology and it will show how they balance prophetic and pastoral approaches to scripture and community.

a) Have applicant inform you how they would deal with an issue facing the parish. It can be about buildings or human resources. It may have to do with an outreach project how the parish can engage in a social issue facing the community.

b) Ask the applicant how she/he will lead the parish in the implementation of the Diocesan Vision

Note: dates for interviews to be arranged in consultation with Bishop’s Office as Bishop will also interview applicants. 

20. Bishop meets with the Consultation Team immediately after interviews for discussion and decision on two nominees suggested to the Bishop. 

21. Bishop invites one of the applicants to accept appointment, provides letter of announcement to the Parish and sends appointment letters to the new priest.

22. In consultation with the diocesan executive officer, the Wardens make arrangements with the new priest regarding salary, housing, moving arrangements and dates pursuant to earlier discussions with the diocesan finance officer (see item #11 above).

23. Bishop licences the new Incumbent. Incumbent contacts Bishop’s Office to arrange for the Celebration of a New Ministry which celebration will take place approximately 3 months after start of new ministry.

24. Bishop’s Consultation Team remains as a possible support group for new Incumbent.

25. Parish Council seeks ways for the Profile to become the basis of visioning, and goals and objectives setting.

26. The Bishop may make an offer of using an Alternative Process.