Over 40 attended the AVM held after the 10am service on Sunday, February 24th. We had a prayer for those who had passed during the year. The meeting went smoothly as we bid farewell and thank you to outgoing vestry members Bill Adkins, Denise Mottle, Blair Meadows, and Bill Purdy. We also thanked David Hitchcock as he is stepping down from many of his duties within the church. He will stay involved with the choir. We welcomed to the vestry: Barb Hicks, John Atherstone, Chenda Bishop, Carolyn Gretzinger and Louise Kelsey. Many thanks for taking on this important role in the church. Gil Conner, Al Gagnon and Myrna Scott will stay as members. Cynthia Preyser will continue as Rector's Warden, Neil Vennard will continue as People's Warden, and Wendy Carriere will continue as Treasure.
Wendy Carriere presented the very positive Treasurer's Report from 2018 and the Budget for 2019. As usual, she did a masterful job explaining our finances in a way everyone could understand.
We had a discussion regarding bulletin vs hymn books at the end with a fairly even division of pros and cons. This discussion will continue with vestry. Many thanks to all who attended. It's looking like a promising year to come.